Efficient Testing Solutions that Save you Time and Money.

We understand the unique requirements of the firefighting profession. Finding the right candidates and placing a candidate in a timely manner for an emergency services’ position is essential to reduce overtime and burnout. That is why our service provides a comprehensive testing process that evaluates candidates’ skills and abilities, so you don’t have to.
Our efficient and effective testing process ensures that our clients have access to the right candidates when they need them the most. Choose us as your partner in your recruitment, and let us help you build a team of skilled and dedicated emergency services professionals

The time and effort it takes to find the right fit for a Firefighter-Paramedic position is lengthy. The recruitment process, from start to finish, can take six months or more to hire fully qualified candidates. Any vacancy in a 24/7 emergency services operation can lead to burnout and overtime, resulting in budget overruns. At Prepared for Duty Recruitment Service Inc., our goal is to expedite the recruitment process and save valuable time and resources for both the employer and the candidates.

What if you could fill the position without you having to complete the long testing process?

Our testing service is designed to make the hiring process for firefighters as simple and efficient as possible. We understand that the administrative steps and pre-testing required in the recruitment process can be time-consuming for organizations. That is why we handle the entire process for our clients, ensuring that each candidate completes all necessary tests and meets the required standards before presenting them to the hiring organization. This allows Human Resources to go directly to the interview stage, saving time and resources in the recruitment process.

A new approach to the testing process that benefits the employer and candidate.

The current process for becoming a full-time firefighter can be a significant barrier to both candidates and organizations. The lengthy and expensive process can be a deterrent to attracting a more diverse pool of candidates, and it is also costly and time-consuming for organizations. Our testing service is committed to addressing these challenges through our Standard Testing Evaluation Process (STEP). By using our STEP, we can help reduce the fees and travel costs associated with multiple career applications while providing candidates with the assurance that they are competing in a fair environment. Our STEP also allows candidates to use one set of test results to apply to multiple organizations, providing them with real value for their money. Our goal is to make the recruitment process more efficient and accessible for both candidates and organizations, resulting in a more diverse and talented pool of candidates for the firefighting profession.

A large diverse pool of candidates to select from.

At Prepared for Duty, we believe in giving candidates every opportunity to be successful in their pursuit of a career in firefighting. Our testing process is designed to remove the pressure and anxiety associated with the traditional recruitment process, providing candidates with the time and resources needed to prepare for and complete all required tests. By doing so, we can help identify and select from a larger, more diverse pool of candidates. We understand that not everyone succeeds on their first attempt, which is why we provide candidates with the opportunity to retake specific tests without fear of losing a job opportunity. Our approach is focused on creating a fair and inclusive process that values each candidate’s potential and provides them with the tools and support needed to succeed. With our commitment to diversity and inclusivity, we can help build an eligibility list of highly qualified and well-prepared candidates for any firefighting organization.

Our Testing Process

Our STEP is designed to be both manageable and defensible, ensuring that the selection process is fair, inclusive, and equitable. We understand the importance of complying with the Alberta Human Rights and following NFPA standards and best practices in aptitude, physical, and job-specific skills testing. Our testing process is tailored to identify the most suitable and qualified candidates for your organization’s specific requirements. By using our process, we can efficiently screen out those who do not meet the minimum standards and requirements, while allowing those individuals whose aptitude, physical, and practical skills align with the needs of the municipal fire service to pass through the system. This will ultimately provide your organization with a pool of highly qualified and suitable candidates.

All you have to do is interview! Saving you time and money.

Our testing service is focused on delivering efficient and effective results for your organization. By partnering with Prepared for Duty, you will be able to streamline your hiring process and avoid the burden of administrative tasks. Our team of experts is committed to ensuring that each candidate is thoroughly evaluated and assessed to meet your specific requirements. This allows you to save time, reduce stress, and allocate resources more effectively to other areas of your organization. Our dedication to providing exceptional customer service and building strong relationships with candidates and hiring organizations sets us apart from our competition. Let us help you find the right candidates for your organization and achieve your hiring goals with ease.

Prepared for Duty Recruitment Service Inc. offer the following testing and services for candidates to complete. We will work with our clients to ensure that all required qualifications for your organization are met and testing is completed by each of the qualified candidates for you to interview. If you have specific testing you require we will work with you to ensure you are provided candidates that have met your required standards.

The Standardized Firefighter Tests.

As an additional service, Prepared for Duty can arrange for the Standard Firefighter Tests to be completed for your organization for a fee.

Contact us to find your organization the top talent in your area.