Mock Interview Coaching.

Our Mock Interview Coaching service aims to provide you with the opportunity to practice and refine your interview skills in a supportive and constructive environment. By simulating real interview scenarios and providing personalized feedback, we empower you to perform at your best during actual interviews and increase your chances of securing the job you desire.

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Here’s what our service entails:

  • Personalized Preparation: We take the time to understand your specific interview goals and the type of position you are targeting. This allows us to tailor the mock interview experience to your needs.
  • Interview Simulation: During the mock interview, we conduct a simulated interview that closely resembles a real-life scenario. We ask a series of interview questions commonly asked.
  • Feedback and Evaluation: We provide comprehensive feedback and evaluation that offer valuable insight into your interview performance. We highlight your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Tips and Strategies: We share valuable tips, techniques, and strategies to help you enhance your interview skills. We provide guidance on effective communication, body language, and how to showcase your qualifications and experience.
  • Practice and Refinement: We encourage you to practice repeatedly, incorporating the feedback and suggestions provided. This iterative process helps you build confidence, refine your responses, and improve your overall interview performance.
  • Ongoing Support: We offer ongoing support, should you require additional coaching or have any questions leading up to your actual interviews. We are dedicated to helping you succeed in your job search.

We schedule the coaching session that addresses your unique needs and helps you excel in your upcoming interview. Together we work out a time that works for both of us and zoom meeting is arranged.

Session 1

The first session lasts for 1.5 hours and focuses on going through our interview workbook and practicing with a set of carefully curated interview questions. This session allows you to familiarize yourself with common interview scenarios, develop effective responses, and refine your communication skills.

Session 2

The second session is 1 hour in duration and involves going through more extensive and challenging interview scenarios. This session aims to simulate real-life interview situations, allowing you to practice handling longer and more complex interview scenarios with confidence and poise.

The cost for the two-session package is $350.00. These sessions provide a solid foundation for your interview preparation and ensure that you are well-equipped to excel in your upcoming interviews.

If you require additional coaching or refresher beyond the initial two sessions, we offer further sessions at a rate of $150.00 per hour. These additional sessions can be tailored to address specific areas of improvement or provide ongoing support and practice as needed.

Contact Us To Get Practicing For Your Interview

I have been working with Prepared For Duty over the last couple of months to help myself improve at Firefighting Interviews. This part of the hiring process can be challenging for most recruits and I felt this was my weakest area. Cindy has been great with accommodating my busy schedule and helping me improve my interview skills. Since I started using Prepared For Duty, I have successfully passed two fire fighting interviews with departments in Alberta. I highly recommend her interview preparation training to anyone that is pursuing a career in the Fire Service. 
Ken C.